

Matthew Chung (b.1996) is a Korean American multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. His practice is now primarily based in both the USA and the UK.

Matthew’s artistic journey began when he stumbled upon his father’s long-forgotten camera and dedicated himself to the alchemical art of film photography. As his passion for photography continued to grow, Matthew’s creative tools expanded to printmaking and moving images.

Matthew employs a diverse range of both traditional and novel mediums through his multidisciplinary practice. Using the interplay of material and digital technologies as instruments to expand the horizons of perception and human experience. By drawing upon his Catholic upbringing, Korean heritage, and American nationality. Matthew becomes a silent observer of his own journey for home and belonging.

At the core of Matthew’s research-led creative process lies a constant dialogue with himself and the world around him. Through keen observations and interactions with both tangible and intangible elements, he mines a wealth of questions, ideas, and revelations that spark his curiosity. By treating documentation as a form of art, Matthew tries to translate his thought process into a tangible creation. He shapes his experiences in a diverse spectrum of subjects, such as cultural, technological, and socio-political affairs to translate it to our collective human experience and ignite a sense of shared meaning.

His systematic and iterative creative processes came from engineering when he
enrolled in a high school robotics course, immersing himself in the intricate worlds of electronics and coding. In this unexpected twist, he discovered fresh avenues for creative expression, and what had initially been mere academic electives to fulfill graduation requirements soon evolved into the genesis of his journey as a dedicated artistic practitioner. Matthew recently graduated from the Royal College of Art where he studied Information Experience Design and further developed his practice in communicating through artistic mediums.


2021-2023 Royal College of Art, MA Information Experience Design

2019-2021 Royal College of Art, Graduate Diploma Art & Design (Fine Art)

Selected Exhibitions

2023 Don’t Write our Names in Red , Gallery 46 Whitechapel, London

2023 Royal College of Art Graduate Show, The Truman Brewery, Spitafields, London

2022 deeepTM AI Art Fair , Frieze Art Week, Gallery 46, Whitechapel, London


2023 Meta Research Labs AR/VR Look Around You: Augmented Reality on the Built Environment
Collaborative project focused on speculative designs for future AR/VR technologies.
Specifically focused on potentials of haptics technology in conjunction with AR/VR.

2023 IRCAM 3D Audio & Video- AR/VR and Spatialisation, The Centre Pompidou, Paris
Collaborative project with Chen Rouhong. Worked on the 3D Spatial Audio sound design aspect of the project.

2022 POD – Information Experience Design Collaboration for UN World Oceans Day
Collaborative project designing an immersive experience for Ocean Leisure’s large retail space and display windows.

2016-2019 Swimcoach
General management of creative direction for rap artist, swimcoach. Involved directing music videos, creating album/ep/single covers, and creating content for social media.

2016-2019 Swimteamstudios
Head of brand design and merchandising, in addition to managing social media content for the brand.